Communications multitalent right from the heart
I am an experienced public affairs professional with extensive experience gained at business, politics and different organisations. I have worked in responsible expert and supervisor roles and as a member of a listed company’s board. Crisis industries are my speciality. I am a charming and confident performer. I have wide and diverse networks in different walks of society, including internationally. I have been a mentor of Suomen Mentorit for those starting out their careers since 2016. In 2020–2021, I took a deep dive into company board work as I completed the esteemed CBM (Certified Board Member) training programme at Tampere Chamber of Commerce.
- Oulun lyseon lukio, matriculation exam 1976
- University of Turku, Law School 1976–1980
- MJD – examination in communications management, Markkinointi-instituutti 1990
- Communications Manager training programme, Infor-viestintä 2000
- University of Helsinki, Faculty of Arts, Italian Philology 2014 ->
- CBM (Certified Board Member) training programme, Tampere Chamber of Commerce 2020–2021
Finnish (native)
English C1
Italian B2
French (basics)
Swedish B2
German B1
As an adult, I have learned the Italian language and my studies are ongoing. I exercise regularly. I plentifully read fiction and non-fiction. I have been a mentor of Suomen Mentori since 2016. I was elected as the chairperson of Keskustanaiset’s Helsinki regional organisation in 2017 and I am still acting in that duty. In 2021, I was elected the vice-chairperson of Suomen Keskustanaiset ry, the national roof organisation.
December 2021 ->
Independent Public Affairs Consultant,
Managing Director La Voce Oy
I have already completed my first project acquired through my networks: a brand report and communications strategy project assigned by the Town of Kitee. I am available for different challenging public affairs and crisis communications tasks through my company which I own jointly with my husband.
December 2014 –> December 2021
Philip Morris Finland Oy,
Manager Regulatory Affairs
My responsibilities included communications and public relations in Finland: I was the company’s spokesperson. I also monitored the operations of EU organs and the UN regarding several matters. The complete turnaround in the company’s strategy three years ago – the decision to give up the manufacturing and sales of smokable cigarettes and a focus on smoke-free, less harmful alternatives – added a completely new dimension to the work when the business strategy was transformed. Corporate sustainability increased in importance, and I was responsible for implementing and localising the corporate strategy in the Finnish subsidiary. A key legislative project the implementation of which and the different stages of which I influenced and researched was the Single Use Plastics Directive.
January 1996–November 2014
Turkistuottajat Oyj/Saga Furs Oyj, Communications Officer, Communications Manager and Director, Communication and CSR, in addition to other duties Executive Director of Fur Trade Association (Turkiskaupan Liitto, Fur Finland) 2000–2014
I joined the company as its first professional communications officer and was responsible for the international fur auction company’s as well as the entire Finnish fur industry’s communications and public relations. Animal activism had just landed in Finland, which meant I immediately started putting out fires. I built crisis communications instructions and operating models for the industry. In 2001, I was appointed a member of the company’s management team, and I ran the communications department initially with two and increasing to five team members in 2014. After the merger of the company and the Saga cooperative and the company’s new name in 2010, I was responsible for the entire brand strategy renewal. I drafted Saga Furs Oyj’s first-ever corporate social responsibility report, which was my tool with many fashion houses using fur materials when they considered their procurement decisions. I organised investor relations together with the chief financial officer. Starting in 2000, I acted as the executive director of the Fur Trade Association alongside my main duties.

June 1992–November 1995
Suomen Keskustanaiset ry (the Finnish Centre Party’s woman organisation), Secretary General
As the Secretary General of a national woman organisation, I led the central office and regional organisations, was responsible for the organisation’s political work with the elected representatives and acted as the editor of Avain magazine. The role provided a grandstand view of the turmoil in society in a historically interesting era that was coloured particularly by the depression and Finland’s EU membership process. The Secretary General has access to the meetings of all of the party’s decision-making bodies, such as the party board and the parliamentary group.

June 1990–May 1992
Tuottajain Lihakeskuskunta/LSO Group,
Communications Manager
I worked as the Communications Manager responsible for the meat industry’s media affairs at a time of great changes. I started in the TLK cooperative that was dismantled by the owners and transformed into a corporation in 1991. I continued with my previous title in LSO Group, which consisted of LSO Food Oy and HK-Ruokatalo Oy. In addition to handling media relations, I also edited personnel magazines during my time as a Communications Manager.

November 1988–May 1990
Pienteollisuuden Keskusliitto PTK (the Finnish Confederation of Small Industries), Communications Manager
I was responsible for the media relations and political lobbying of Pienteollisuuden Keskusliitto PTK, an organisation representing small industries. The organisation merged with Suomen Yrittäjät in 1996. As the Communications Manager, I was a journalist and later editor of Käsi- ja pienteollisuus magazine
October 1987–November 1988
Esplanade Association, Managing Director
I led the association of shopkeepers located along Pohjois- and Etelä-Esplanadi and nearby streets in Helsinki. The purpose of the association was to develop the area as a shopwindow to Helsinki with different commercial events and charity projects in cooperation with the City of Helsinki and the Helsinki Region Chamber of Commerce. The streets were not lit yet as they are today, and the association had a major impact on the city finally deciding to strongly support the development of one of its finest areas.

April 1984–October 1987
Suomen Nuorisoseurat – Finnish Youth Association,
Secretary for International and Cultural Affairs
I was responsible for the cultural affairs of a large youth association, including a nationwide theatre festival and the folk music festival Pispalan Sottiisi. I handled the association’s international affairs with a main focus on organising extensive cultural exchange and related contacts.

January 1981–February 1984
The National Union of University Students in Finland,
Secretary for Social Affairs
I was responsible for lobbying related to students’ benefits, housing, meals and health care in Finland and handled international cooperation in my field.

January 1980–December 1980
The Student Union of the University of Turku,
Chairperson of the Executive Board
I was the first female president of the large student union, which also engaged in business operations, after first serving two years as a member of the executive board. The role was paid and full time.